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eDrive  Example Applications...

Interface to Siemens Apogee™ System

Case Study:


The first phase of construction at an educational facility was completed using a Siemens Apogee system for control of HVAC packaged equipment, air handling units, and VAV terminals.

The system was provided with text-based terminal software for a PC workstation to give the building operators a means to monitor conditions throughout this portion of the facility and make limited modifications, i.e. space setpoint changes.

When the second phase of the facility was ready for construction, the owner preferred to have an Andover Continuum system installed, but required that it be able to interface to the existing Siemens controls and form one seamless system.

A single front-end workstation would need to provide color graphic displays, scheduling functions, alarm notification, and setpoint adjustment for controllers in the Andover Continuum system of the new phase as well as the existing Siemens controllers of the first phase.


eDrive  Provides the Solution ...


The second phase of the facility was built using Continuum NetControllers and multiple Infinet device controllers for its HVAC systems, and with all the powerful features of Andover's Cyberstation workstation software.

With the addition of eDrive  installed on the workstation, 350 points from the existing Siemens system devices were mapped to Numeric objects in the Andover system.

In place of their existing text-based workstation, the building operators can now access both phases of the facility from the new Andover workstation.  The same graphics, alarms, trends, and schedules that work for the Andover Continuum portion of the system also work for the Siemens portion.  The result is true seamless operation.


eDrive  Delivers Performance ...


Because eDrive  utilizes the speed of the workstation CPU and Ethernet communications, it is incredibly fast!  Measurement of speed at this facility showed that point throughput is approximately 500 points per minute.

In addition, points from the Siemens portion can be designated as Read, Write, or Read/Write types to control the direction of information flow between the systems.



Results for this Application ...


eDrive  provided a cost effective means to integrate the latest features of an Andover Controls system into this facility, without the expense of replacing the existing Siemens controllers and programming.

The building operators view both phases of the facility as a single system, with a common set of graphics, alarms, schedules, etc.

Future growth of the facility is easily handled by extension of Ehternet that will allow additional Andover portions of the system.


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